Wednesday, April 22, 2009

From my phone?

Blogger has created a monster! Now everyone can know where I am at all times!!

S - this is MJ's fault!

Friday, April 10, 2009

something is in the air today

on the way to the 7 train this morning, within 200 feet i saw:

(1) 4 guys preaching
(2) 2 people with signs asking for money
(3) 1 accordion player

even britney on my ipod couldn't tune that out.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

gym observations

i try to go to the gym during the week in the mornings before work. i made a deal with myself that if i actually wake up by 730 i can take a taxi to the gym instead of the subway. bribing myself seems to have worked and i actually make it to the gym three to four times per week.

it has turned out to be nice getting the gym out of the way in the morning and i feel like i have a lot more energy now. but going to the gym in the morning also has its downsides (besides the obvious early morning wake-up), because i also have to get ready for work in the dreaded gym locker room. at first it was brutally awkward (being a high maintenance girl) but i finally have the routine down to about 30 minutes, start to finish. picking out my clothes ahead of time seems to cut out about 15 (fine, 30) minutes of my morning routine. go figure.

as noted, i used to think that i am high maintenance. in some ways, i am. but spending this much time in a gym locker with about 30 women coming and going at a time has made me realize that either i am actually low maintenance, or there are some crazy women out there. (or maybe it is a mixture of both).

some of the things i see in the locker room while women get ready are mind boggling. for example, i have seen:

(1) a women emerge from the shower fully dressed

(2) a women who puts baby oil all over her body and then sits and waits until it dries before getting ready

(3) a woman who clipped her nails (hands and feet) while standing naked in the middle of the locker room

(4) a woman who spent 45 minutes using a hair straightener for shoulder length hair and then proceeds to use tweezer on the top of her head to pull out flyaways.

this is just a sampling. trust me, there are loads more bizarre habits i try desperately to ignore, not to mention the fact that it appears that the heavier a woman is, the more likely she is to walk around the locker room completely naked. for extended periods of time. i have to wonder if these woman are just letting all of their crazy out in the locker room for everyone to see and frankly not caring or if this is their edited version of crazy. this thought scares me not only for humanity, but for my males friends who might actually date some of these women.