it has been way too long since i lasted posted. i blame the government for blocking blogs at work! has productivity really gone up since i can no longer find out which celebrity is wearing chanel? i am guessing not.
but anyway, today is my birthday. awesome, right? the love i am getting from family and friends is enough to knock me over and send me into fits of giggles. the sun is shining, it is finally under 90 degrees and seth is taking me to a surprise birthday dinner. life is good and i feel lucky.
everyday when i walk through the streets of nyc and newark, i see that not everyone is as lucky as i am. so, in the spirit of birthday wishes and love and kindness and all that good stuff i am posting to ask everyone i know to click on this link below and vote for their favorite charity. the winner gets cold hard cash to fund the charity's work. it's free and takes just one minute of your time. easy, right?
me? i voted for storycorps. its a beautiful organization that is near and dear to my heart. frankly, any of the charities are deserving. just click!