Thursday, December 9, 2010

Emily Post would agree

Dear girls who love fitness and gossip,

Welcome.   Isn't it nice that we have a small gym in our building?   I think so too.   You know what isn't nice?   When you come into the gym, see a lone girl on the treadmill trying to push through her thirty minutes (in an obviously painful way) and you decide to turn on the tv at FULL VOLUME, get on the treadmill next to her and then put your headphones on, thereby ignoring the tv.  Why, may I ask, was it necessary to have TMZ blaring so loudly that a girl can't even hear herself think?   Do us all a favor, annoying FIT girls, and either watch tv OR listen to your ipod.   Both are not necessary.

kisses and hugs,

P.S.  If you do it again, I will call in my slapping friend from jury duty.

P.P.S.  To make it up to me, you may purchase this for me.  

There, was that so hard?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jury Duty - NY Style

Lawyer (while questioning potential jurors):  Sir, if you were deliberating and you had a disagreement with another juror about the evidence presented or about what a witness said, would you feel comfortable sending a note to the judge to ask a question?

Potential Juror:  No, I don't argue.  I just slap.

Lawyer:  I am sorry?

Potential Juror:  Talking is for girls.  I don't like to talk.  I just use my fists.