Wednesday, April 14, 2010

cilantro again? really?

yes, really.  it's a hot debate.  and everyone who knows me sends me tons of articles to either (1) make fun of me or (2) attempt to scientifically explain my utter aversion to it.   this article doesn't add too much to the debate but it certainly makes me feel vindicated for the following exchange:

In a television interview in 2002, Larry King asked Julia Child which foods she hated.

She responded: “Cilantro and arugula I don’t like at all. They’re both green herbs, they have kind of a dead taste to me.”

“So you would never order it?” Mr. King asked.

“Never,” she responded. “I would pick it out if I saw it and throw it on the floor.”

julia child is certainly good company.  VINDICATED!

1 comment:

Brian LoBalbo said...

I like cilantro. Can we still be friends?