Thursday, April 14, 2011


i have absolutely no idea what the x-factor is or who may even have it, but auditions for the show, held at the prudential center today, has caused the population of newark to double this morning.   lucky for me, i walk right past the prudential center on my way to work and today, was the most entertaining walk i have ever had.

this is one small glimpse of the crowd and the tv camera crews.  i saw trucks from every network, including some i had never heard of.   there was a woman in the crowd in a wedding dress informing people they could take her picture and put it on facebook (not sure how that helps).  i have concluded that people who audition for the x-factor like (1) colorful wigs, (2) glitter, (3) very tiny skirts and (4) to sing out loud while waiting in line. 

as one of the court security officers told me, the pickpockets are going to have a field day.   think anyone from new jersey will make it on the show?  we are a talented bunch!

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