Thursday, July 14, 2011

backwards compliment

six months in and so far pregnancy isn't as bad as i suspected.  there are some good days and some bad, but all in all, i just feel lucky.  that being said, it's hard to feel pretty when you are six months pregnant.  i didn't want to spend a ton of money on clothes because they have such a limited shelf life.  but the cheap clothes, look, well, cheap.  and the majority of my shoes are not conducive to all of the weight i am suddenly carrying so most of them are collecting dust until next year.  after some tears a few weeks ago (blame the hormones!), seth finally convinced me that i needed to go shopping and buy some nice dresses for work.  i am wearing one of those purchases today.  and i feel pretty!   everyone at work has been quite complimentary and i am very excited.  and then this exchange occurred:

unnamed co-worker:  "wow, that dress makes it look you aren't pregnant from the front"
me:  "why, thank you, that's a huge compliment!"
unnamed co-worker: "thats a great optical illusion"

cue the sad music.  gotta love an honest male.

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