Monday, June 1, 2009

Crete - Day Thirteen

Today is actually the thirteenth day of our honeymoon, not yesterday, although obviously it seemed like it should have been. After our experiences yesterday we decided to scrap all plans to leave our hotel and just sit on the beach and relax. Driving in Crete is a generally stressful experience and definitely a bad idea on the last day you have to relax before heading home. (We will be traveling all day tomorrow and will be back in New York around 5).

So we sat on the beach, we talked, we read, we ate and we reflected on this amazing trip. We have seen so many new things, eaten some great food and met some lovely people. We felt sad to leave this beautiful country but excited about the things coming up, like the summer, friends' weddings, a new job, a new couch and a new name. We talked about all of the pictures we have from the wedding and the honeymoon and the projects that Jamie will undertake. We also talked about how lucky we are to have such great friends, families and each other. It was a lazy, shmoopie kind of day and the perfect way to end our trip.

After sunset we headed to dinner, Greek style (meaning 10:00) at the restaurant in our hotel. We ate and drank and stayed up way too late chatting with Poppy, who runs the restaurant. Finally, at midnight (just 5 hours before we had to get up) we said our good-byes with one last shot of Raki (Jamie too!!).

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