Tuesday, October 7, 2008

just two weeks from now

I will be on vacation! S and I are traveling out to the Southwest for a good old fashioned road trip. Our last trip was seven months ago and I knew we wouldn't make it until May for our honeymoon. As a gentle nod to the ever decreasing value of our dollar, we decided to forgo our traditional sprint outside of the 48 states and check out some sites where our dollar actually means something. Since neither of us has been to New Mexico or Arizona, it seemed like a pretty cool place to check out. Maybe we will find enlightenment in the red rocks of Sedona and never come back. It's tempting...

My goal for this trip to eat some great food, take some pretty pictures and spend some quality time with S and some friends who live out west. Life has been way to hectic these days and we are both in desperate need of time to smell the roses. Or a cactus.

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