Wednesday, March 3, 2010


signs of maturity:
1. foregoing a bagel for breakfast for the healthier yogurt option
2. sticking to my exercise plan
3. walking to work this morning in the rain/snow and saving the money from the cab fare
4. realizing i have read just as many non-fiction books as pink books in the past year

signs i am not really as mature as i think:
1. forgetting that i was in public on my walk to work this morning and dancing on the street when a particularly awesome smith's song came on
2. laughing hysterically at the picture of rick in his storm trooper helmet
3. stopping each time the filet o' fish commerical comes on to sing along
4. realizing that the number of tween shows i watch on the CW far exceeds the number of newspapers i read and being completely ok with that statistic

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