Wednesday, November 24, 2010

must read

i have been accussed of being a fairly obsessive reader.

fine, at times, i am downright maniacal.  i can get so absorbed in a book that i have been known to miss my train stop, ignore seth without even realizing he is talking or walk into incoming traffic (ask my grandma betty about this story).  in fact, i jumped on the kindle bandwagon mainly because my apartment does not have room for any more books and seth was threatening to put my books into my closet and remove my shoes.  (don't ask me to pick between books and shoes.  i can't. i am sweating just thinking about it.)

right now, i am reading a book that anyone who grew up loving 80s music and pop culture must immediately buy.  rob sheffield's talking to girls about duran duran (buy it here) is a hilarious journey through his teen years from 1980 to 1989.  he narrates the story using 25 different songs that were popular throughout the decade.  some chapters are specific memories of what he was doing when he listened to a particular song and others are just general life lessons learned, such as his realization that girls prefer it when a guy actually places the toilet paper on the holder as opposed to leaving it loose on the sink.  while the author is 10 years older me, just about every song he writes about jogs my own memories of what kind of trouble i was getting into when i heard them.  it is well worth a trip to borders to get your own copy.   any guy who appreciates kenny roger's wisdom is a-okay in my book.  (you really do need to know when to hold them).

p.s.  while you are at it, buy his first book too - love is a mix tape - it is a different kind of memoir with much more serious subject matter but well worth the read for an example of some great writing.   he makes you want to be his friend.

p.p.s  seriously rob, call me.  we'll hang out. 

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