Wednesday, July 15, 2009

overhead in my office

i work for a pretty stuffy and proper company. let me clarify. it gives the illusion of being stuffy and proper but when you really listen it is pretty amazing what you can hear.

for example, i sit next to an older gentleman who is in his late 60s. he speaks with the most perfect new york jewish accent (totally reminds me of my grandpa) and when you meet him, he comes off as this kindly older gentleman. he asks me at least once a week how married life is and why i am still working (as if marriage should instantly make my career null and void). he generally makes me laugh but he has really turned it up a notch this week. there has been a ton of yelling coming from his office, lots of phone calls ending in receivers being slammed down and colorful curses. i have had the privilege of overhearing phrases like "big tits and tight dress" and "ugly old hag." he even informed someone that seeing them naked would "scare the terrorists and the jews." he has a way of bridging gaps, doesn't he?

but the best part of all? after one particularly heated phone conversation where he called someone a "moron" and "stupid" and shouted "you can take that back to nationals," he came into to my office to apologize for how loud he has been. he then went on to explain that he is frustrated about something going on with a charity that he chairs. a charity! made my whole afternoon.

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