Wednesday, August 17, 2011

the perfect goodbye

as of 9am this morning, i no longer live in new york city. i could write for days about why we decided to move but really, it comes down to one factor - baby on the way.  with so much other stuff going on, the reality of the big move hadn't really hit me.   but last night, when i was embarking on my final commute to 30th street, i started to get nostalgic.  it was a gorgeous new york night, temperatures in the mid 70s, the birds were chirping and people just seemed extra friendly.  my street didn't even have that normal urine/drug deal smell about it. hell, penn station even seemed to be a bit shinier last night. everything seemed so perfect, making it that much harder to think about leaving. 

five minutes into this walk down memory lane, i walked past a guy, just feet from my apartment, puking his guts up. what a a perfect new york good bye. just when you get comfortable and let down your guard, someone throws up in your path.  i'll miss you, new york city. 

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